Monday 29 February 2016

[Visual Design] Colour Theory

Today's classwork was to paint over two existing yoda drawings with different colour schemes. The one on the left is based on colours next to the colour blue, the one on the right is complementary colours.

Monday 15 February 2016

[Visual Design] Steampunk Assignment

This week's assignment was to design a character with the steampunk aesthetic.

I started by doing a bit of research into the design and created this moodboard to help get my ideas started.

This was the final design of my steampunk woman, I really liked the idea of using an oversized wrench and plated it with nice brass.

[Visual Design] Insectoid Assignment

For this assignment, I had to design an insectoid creature, the general idea for me was just to try out a range of different ideas from an elegant looking insect to a more ferocious one with predator aspects. These were the three ideas.

After I finished these three designs, I decided to mix both of the key ideas that I came up with to make one idea and this was the result. I am extremely happy with how it came out because I felt that I captured the mood of the creature well, I would have liked to have spent  a bit more time on it however.

These were the orthographic drawings to compliment the final design.