Wednesday 25 November 2015

3D Art Production: Some Texture's for the Battle Arena

These are two examples of a normal map and a texture map for a pillar I am making on my battle arena, this may easily be the most challenging model to unwrap uv's for as it has a lot of individual edges and balancing them out to create balanced quality among the asset was a challenge, the normal map is used to further push the embossed parts of the asset and I am extremely satisfied with the result.

Monday 23 November 2015

[Visual Design] Perspective and Lighting Assignment

For this assignment our task was to use what we were taught in class on how to create effective light and shadows and apply it to a mech/tank design.

I started with this mood board in order to help me get some starting ideas flowing and help me get a feel for how I wanted to go about the design.

I then moved on to drawing out some rough thumbnails to experiment with some shapes.

This was my final piece. Unfortunately, I wasnt happy with the result as I feel like i had too many curves in the final design that made the values a lot harder to paint in and correct.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

[Visual Design] Tentacle Assignment

This week's assignment is to create a tentacle creature.

I started by getting a moodboard together for research purposes and to understand how tentacles work.

This is my design sheet where I looked into different ergonomics for the tentacles themselves and certain aspects of the creature herself.

This is my final piece here, I had a lot of fun with it and enjoyed the final outcome.

Saturday 14 November 2015

[Visual Assignment] Perspective Room Assignment

In class we were taught how to do two point perspective and this assignment was testing our knowledge on how to put it into practice by designing a room using this technique. I was quite happy with the end result as perspective is quite challenging for me.

Thursday 12 November 2015

3D Art Production: Completed Base Model for Battle Arena

After a few weeks I finally managed to complete the base model for my battle arena. I am really satisfied with how it has turned out so far and I hope that the model has been constructed efficiently enough to make my UV editing easy for myself.